People grow avocado trees from seed but after some time the plant becomes stressed and does not properly grow. here I will tell you the best method to grow avocado plants at home. Avocados need full sunlight to sprout new shoots and need daily water if in full drainy soil. if the soil is soggy here avocados need no more water. here it needs only moisture.

Recently one month ago in the dormant season just before spring, I purchased two avocado plants from a nursery about nearly two feet in height. In the dormant season, there is no need for any manure or fertilizer to any plant. Wait for active growth season.

Here is a tip for you starting of spring nearly two weeks into spring I made the soil very soft from one foot away from the plant base then I made a powder of DAP fertilizer of about two grams of weight and spread it one foot away from the plant base on the soft soil.

Then after one week, I applied a mixture of 2% one-year-old manure of goat and 40% of soil and 58% of water to the avocado plant. Then after five days I also made the soil soft by digging. Now my avocado plant starting new growth and shoots.

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