AI human brain is an advanced technology in Artificial Intelligence.

Hello friends, how are you guys? All of you know that AI has become such an amazing and impactful thing that will change our world in the next few years. But this AI can prove to be a very powerful and dangerous thing for us humans because AI has advanced to create things that are very difficult for a normal human being, e.g. You can create any design with AI; you can make any print; you can make any logo; you can make any code; you can make music; you can make any image; and you can make any kind of video. In this blog, I am going to tell you that something is going to happen that will shock the whole world and is currently being worked on. It has been started, and it is hoped that the experiment will be successful soon.

The difference this time is that we developed AI. Now AI is developing AI. It is very important to understand that it is artificial intelligence. It’s becoming so intelligent that it’s learning on its own, understanding itself, and growing exponentially faster than you can imagine. It’s growing faster than you can imagine. They say that first we train the machine, and then the more we use the machine, the more it becomes a machine and a train. As many experts as there are in AI, they preached 10–20 years ago about the rate of AI.

As AI develops, the first jobs that will go will be blue-collar jobs, that is, people who do very basic mechanical work, labor work, driving, doing this, robotics will come, and they will go to white-collar jobs, as we have seen in movies, then in movies, they will go to white collar jobs because it requires a different level of skill. You are doing the coating, and after that, the jobs that will go in the end will be the creative jobs like the photo office, the designers, the visualizers, and the writers. The execution is reversed; the first jobs that are going are creative and white-collar jobs, which means the most difficult work was done first in AI. Now people will not understand what I am talking about. Do one thing. I will show you something practical. Then maybe you people will open their minds.

The Neuralink company, owned by Elon Musk, said that they are working on a chip that can control our brains and detect many diseases in advance. Any such external device that we will fit into our brain through a machine and then it will read our brain and let us know what diseases we have and tell us how weak or strong our immune system is, apart from many other things that will make a person a powerful person, that is, he will be able to store a lot of data in his mind.


This brain chip will consist of two electrodes. These electrodes will be carefully inserted into the brain tissues, from which they will amplify and digitize the electrical signals in the brain, sending the computer sitting on the other side.

Decoding Neural Signals:

In the next part, the neural signals will be decoded using machine algorithms and then the decoded neural signals will be collected through a pattern and then used.

Control and Communication:

After decoding the neural signals, they will be used either by a machine or directly by a human being. will be able to do and process it itself.


Brain chips could be used to treat many neurological conditions, such as paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy. Brain chips could be used to enhance human decision-making and memory learning.

So, friends, these are some things that I wanted to share with you about how advanced AI is being made—that is, AI will be able to indicate our diseases and tell us the solution. Elon Musk has started a project in his company, NeuraLink, that says AI brain chips are very next-level things that can improve us a lot.

But friends, along with the advantages of this AI brain chip, it can also have its disadvantages; that is, any damage can occur, and any of these malfunctions can occur in the brain tissue, which can cause damage. AI brain chips would be an advanced technology of the future that can change the lifestyle of human beings.

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