The secret formula on Amazon Ecommerce store. Everyone in the world is seeking the best income source or a business idea, but now, in the world, the most trending and popular business idea is an e-commerce store. An e-commerce store is the only way to make money. Business people get rich through this. Here are some difficulties in e-commerce stores, specifically on Amazon. Most stores are not successful on Amazon due to Amazon policies and other issues, like shipping methods, customer service, low margins, etc. These reasons are prevalent in Amazon stores. So, my dear readers, let me tell you some secrets about Amazon’s e-commerce store, primarily for US e-commerce stores. You can also learn about the five best passive income ideas.

Now I am telling you some important things that you must know about that. You only need to fix them, and if you select them, you will be successful on Amazon. There is no need to buy a course because these things are not told to you in classes. So, my dear readers, listen to me carefully. Here is a list of some terms you may know:

Amazon Professional Email

I know you are wondering, but this is the first step in why you need a professional email to start an e-commerce store. Here are some benefits of a professional email.

  • Amazon bots prefer professional email to a simple email. So it can be more helpful to show your store in the recommendation to other buyers. That’s why all successful e-commerce businessmen use only professional emails rather than simple emails.
  • Professional email helps you to reach out to other people or businesses to collaborate with you. I mean, this probability increases.
  • To fulfill an order, you need a supplier for the product so you can contact them with this email, and the supplier would give more attention to you than if you contact them with a simple email.
  • Your professional email must match your Amazon store name.
  • As you are a beginner in this field, you can contact other stores on Amazon for collaboration or information. They think that you are a professional e-commerce storeholder.

You can buy a professional email from different domains and hosting websites.

Blogging Website

To start an e-commerce store on Amazon or even any other store like Shopify, you need a blogging website . Why do you need a blogging website?

  • Promote your products on this website and add your product links and e-commerce store links to your blogs.
  • When you reach out to a brand or supplier, you need to convince them by showing your website to them that you can promote their product highly. So they can easily be ready to collaborate with you.
  • Brands also contact you to collaborate with you to promote their products through your website. You can also make a lot of money through this and also get benefits from these brands.
  • You can also monetize your website through Google Adsense and can earn through ads.
  • Through this website, you can promote more Amazon stores belonging to you.


You need to improve your communication level to deal with suppliers, customers, and Amazon team. How does good communication help you?

  • Communication helps you to bargain with suppliers in the Amazon FBA model.
  • You need to reply quickly to your customers as they give you full stars for your store and buy again from your store.
  • Communication with the Amazon team helps you to know new features and services from Amazon and also helps you to upgrade your store.
  • Communication decreases your hesitation to talk with brands and suppliers that can help you to grow your business.

Customer Service

Amazon is a marketplace that pays more attention and care to its customers. So you need to pay more attention to your customers as Amazon pays more attention to your store and promotes your store. You need to read Amazon customer service policies. How can you improve your customer service?

  • Describe your product description nicely so the customer finds the reason to buy your product.
  • If any customer wants a refund, you need to solve this query by refunding him quickly. In this way, the customer comes to know you are an honest seller.
  • On special occasions and events, you must decrease the prices of your listed products on your Amazon store.
  • You should give answers to your customer’s questions quickly to develop a relationship between them.

Products Hunting

Product hunting is a main and difficult part of e-commerce stores. this is the most valuable thing to run an e-commerce store on Amazon or Shopify. low margin and high-margin products decide the health of your e-commerce store. there is a time to select one term from these. How to do effective product hunting.

  • Don’t be greedy in starting. You need to find more valuable products at low margins. This helps you a lot to build a relationship with a new customer.
  • You need to work smartly in different periods of the year. You should decrease a product price in your store that is highly in demand and valuable. This can be helpful in selecting you by Amazon for a buy box.
  • Hunt a product that is trending and more demanding. You need to sell these types of products at low margins to grow your store in the beginning.
  • Always watch your competitor’s product listings before starting product hunting.
  • If you are running an Amazon store as a drop shipper, here are some websites that specifically work for drop shippers. These websites are the most popular. Always contact a supplier or dropshipping providing websites like these.
  • Product Hunting Websites:

To start an e-commerce store, you need to advertise your products or promote your store. How to promote or advertise products?

  • You need to promote your store on Amazon by running campaigns and ads for your stores
  • Find an affiliate marketing agency that can promote your product.
  • You can also promote your blogging website and promote your products indirectly.
  • Try to run more campaigns in that area where people show more interest in products related to your products.
  • Here are many professional e-commerce advisors that can increase sales of your products on different commissions.

Dear readers, these are some secrets of a successful e-commerce store. If you apply these rules, you can grow your business easily.

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